I remembered I took monetary economics two years ago, and one of the final test question is, "discuss this quote-Money is a good servant but a bad master." I was surprised with the question though correlated with monetary study. After that I looked up in the web and it was a quote from Francis Bacon, Sr who was an English lawyer and philosopher in the 17th century.
Well, lets discuss the quote then...
How can a servant be considered a good servant? The answer is simple, if they can fulfill his master's wishes, needs, or orders immediately. Money can do this task. If you're hungry, your money can buy you a set of meal at that time. If you're thirsty, your money can buy you a drink right away. If you need information, your money can buy you a newspaper.
Well, then how money be a bad master?
Let' say you trade your place with the money, and now you become the servant and the money become your master. Then you have to do, whatever it takes, to fulfill your master wishes, and in this case your master is money! The bad thing in money being a master is, money doesn't have a limit, but we humans do. So if you worship money, than you'll do almost everything for money even if you have to do the worst thing in the world!
That is why there are so many crime to get millions of dollars. It is simply because they take money as their god!
So be wise with money, if your money can buy you basic needs then be thankful and save the rest. Who knows they might be useful in the future. If you are greed, then money is everywhere to gain even with most evil act possible.
By: http://gumilangaryo.blogspot.com/
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